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Thursday, 21 January 2010

mercy...peace....love...and abundance

I found this on a friend's blog and was simply blown away - words that conveys dreams and desires that I've struggled to find voice for.
It comes originally from a book called Soul Shaking by Douglas J Rumford.

Picture a life in which
Joy carries you through the day,
and laughter comes as naturally as breathing
You are not lured by that which destroys
But are drawn to that which builds you up

You can trust yourself
Having control over your thoughts and words
Over your responses and reactions

You live above the distractions and deceptions of the world
Being a non- anxious, very real presence to others around you

You have no need to hide
You can look others in the eye, valuing them for themselves alone
Not for what they can give you

You find courage to face every conflict honourably
And strength to fulfil every responsibility faithfully

You endure suffering with courage
Able to live with questions

You can admit when you are wrong
You can say "I'm sorry" and begin again
You are gentle on yourself
Renouncing the chains of shame and self-condemnation

You are connected to God, who created you
and increasingly becoming all that God created you to be
Knowing your roles and responsibilities are God given
Uniquely expressing God in ways that nurture and inspire those around you

You are at peace in all circumstances
Celebrating God's faithful provision in times of abundance
Trusting in quiet contentment in times of want

You are free to serve others willingly
without thought of or need of thanks
You have freedom to live for an audience of ONE

Picture such a life...
For it is meant to be yours!

Jude 1:2 Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance