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Monday 6 June 2011

Something's got me thinking...

I haven't blogged properly in a long time (if ever. I'm lazy. And that's all I have to say about thayat). I feel like I start all my blogs this way, but repetition, if nothing else, provides a secure routine. I have had thoughts a-plenty over the past couple of years about life, love, education and, of course, God...which kind of ties all my thoughts together anyway, although it doesn't always look that way from where I'm standing.
I've been reading a few different books lately which seem to tie in with the thoughts I've been having that I just haven't known how to put words to. "Love Wins" by Rob Bell has had quite a profound effect on me. Much more so than I was expecting, actually. I read it to see what all the hype was about and found myself thinking, "This guy's onto something". Do I agree with everything he's written? No. But do I think he's voicing something really important - absolutely.
Ever since I started believing in God, I couldn't help but think that we'd missed something along the line, that something just wasn't quite right in our approach, understanding and view of God, people around us, life and most other things beside. Added to a lot of painful personal experiences of church along the way - humans being humans, making mistakes, speaking from limited life experience (and I'm sure giving just as good as I got) I keep wondering if we've even slightly got it right or if we've missed the point entirely. Do we actually know what good news is anymore, because last thing I knew, Jesus was (and is) good news, but what I see and hear doesn't make me leap for joy. I'm including myself in the mix, by the way - this isn't me and them. It's us.
When I see people around me being treated as business targets (or conversion targets or any other way you would care to define it) rather than being treated as people with lives and feelings and minds that make decisions and hearts that love just as much as mine (normally more so actually) even though (hand comes up to mouth and big stage whisper emerges) they don't believe in God, (Shock, horror!) it's no wonder that people don't quite get the good news aspect of what we're preaching. (a) It doesn't seem to be good news. (b) We don't seem to get it ourselves. (c) Our lives show none of it. (maybe that's a bit harsh. We all show bits of it, but I feel that we've lost sight of the now part of the good news).
Should I have embarked on this blog post at all?? I'm beginning to think not. I've now opened up a can of worms and want to tidy up the mess, but don't really want to. Maybe it needs to be messy for a while.
I think that we need to come back to the good news. The good news about heaven on earth. Now. Not when we die. But right now. Where hurting people can be made whole again (myself included). Where hungry people find food (in every sense). Where homeless people find shelter. Where lonely people find friendship and acceptance. Where rich people share with the poor. Where joy begins to soak through the fabric of our society afresh and people are grateful for what they have and content. There's so much more to the gospel than heaven & forgiveness. It's about life, in its truest and fullest sense. Right here. Right now. For everyone. Because of the love of God.

Thoughts about love

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Thinking you are naked

This is an article I saw a link to on facebook that made me stop, ponder, smile, ponder and has been going round and round like a spiral, hopefully touching my heart somewhere along the way in a profound way. Well worth a read.

Thinking you’re naked.

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Thursday 21 January 2010

mercy...peace....love...and abundance

I found this on a friend's blog and was simply blown away - words that conveys dreams and desires that I've struggled to find voice for.
It comes originally from a book called Soul Shaking by Douglas J Rumford.

Picture a life in which
Joy carries you through the day,
and laughter comes as naturally as breathing
You are not lured by that which destroys
But are drawn to that which builds you up

You can trust yourself
Having control over your thoughts and words
Over your responses and reactions

You live above the distractions and deceptions of the world
Being a non- anxious, very real presence to others around you

You have no need to hide
You can look others in the eye, valuing them for themselves alone
Not for what they can give you

You find courage to face every conflict honourably
And strength to fulfil every responsibility faithfully

You endure suffering with courage
Able to live with questions

You can admit when you are wrong
You can say "I'm sorry" and begin again
You are gentle on yourself
Renouncing the chains of shame and self-condemnation

You are connected to God, who created you
and increasingly becoming all that God created you to be
Knowing your roles and responsibilities are God given
Uniquely expressing God in ways that nurture and inspire those around you

You are at peace in all circumstances
Celebrating God's faithful provision in times of abundance
Trusting in quiet contentment in times of want

You are free to serve others willingly
without thought of or need of thanks
You have freedom to live for an audience of ONE

Picture such a life...
For it is meant to be yours!

Jude 1:2 Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance

Sunday 20 December 2009

Desert or Treasure?

Well...it has been well well over a year since I last did any blogging, but on a friend's request, here I am, back in my writer's chair appreciating the snow outside and hoping it holds on for Christmas.
As my blog seems to be snippets of my journey, reflections on life, and as I don't really have a clue where else to begin or what else to write about right now, that is exactly what I'm going to blog about.
I find myself in possibly the most spiritually barren place I've been in in a long time. And yet also somehow (in the weird world of paradoxes and oxymorons that God seems to like putting me in) I find myself in one of the most spiritually rich places I've ever been. "How does that work?" I hear you ask...I have been asking myself the same question. I think all I can say is that the desert is a far richer place than I could have imagined. Words have been a bit of my downfall (hence my blog silence) in that it's easy to write things that seem insightful, wise, even raw and honest, when at the heart of it all they're a mask to cover over what lies beneath, a cunning disguise hoping never to be found out. Enter the desert. The place where disguises become totally meaningless and all you have are you, God, a few other travellers along the way, and a camel if you're lucky (not sure what the camel represents here, by the way, just like the thought of having a camel in the desert. People in deserts always seem to have camels.) Anything familiar and comfortable becomes strangely disturbing, littered with question marks, and the feeling is simply one that is unsettled. In the desert there's not much settling, you move on simply looking for water and food. And in the midst of the searching, you learn about self, survival and a lot of unexpected stuff floats to the surface that you don't really want to deal with. I've heard it called the refiner's fire. I prefer to think of it as the inevitably uncomfortable bit.
It is without a doubt one of the most unsettling experiences I've ever been through, and yet I keep on catching glimpses of myself that I actually like once I wade through the stuff that I really don't. There are questions about who I am, what I do, why I do it...and I suppose these are just basic questions. It's just a case of coming face to face with who I actually am rather than who I wish I was.
In coming face to face with me, though, in that place of honesty that is still too raw to share with anyone, there is suddenly space for God. I'm still not entirely sure how that works, but fortunately I don't have to know, I'm just grateful for it. I've been spiritually starving for so long, LONGING for a richer knowledge of God and His message. I've grown weary of going through the motions, singing the same songs with words that, while they are true and convey a beautiful message, seem to only present a fragment of what my heart longs to know. The invitation for depth is, I believe, an invitation into the desert, wherever and whatever that may be. I'm tired of presenting the all too religious/pharisaical facade and am simply wanting to follow the path of true spirituality...whatever that means. (answers on a postcard please)
So I've kind of meandered along with snippets of my journey, left it in a rather open place...deliberately...and wondering what's coming next.

Saturday 26 July 2008


Soul seeking,
Longing to be known,
Desperate to be at peace,
Losing sight of the bigger picture
All I see is me
With occasional glimpses
Of God.
Losing sight of my role
In the bigger picture of my identity,
Needing to zoom out
And admire the panorama,
Delight myself in the view,
See the earth from the air,
Flying, soaring
On the wings I've been given.
I realise that I feel
And wonder if I can make
A difference.
But it's a chain reaction
A ripple
And starts with one person
And the bigger picture of
One act of kindness
One smile
The little things still do
Have great value.
Pay it forward.
Don't expect anything
In return.
It has to be free of charge.
I still live in a debt mentality
Part of me wants things repaid
But maybe it's not that.
I want my needs met
And I need to be loved.
What is it to surrender?
To let go of the reins
And really LIVE?
To live in such trust
That hands can be thrown
In the air
And life can be about
Not taking advantage
But living love.
Doing the nitty gritty.
Making peace.
Living in forgiveness.
Letting go...
That's one of the things
I find hardest -
Letting go of hurts.
Don't know why
Don't know how to change
But there's a freedom in that act...

Sunday 4 November 2007

Children of Promise

Another final blog entry from the other account I had...
For the past couple of days I've been really struck by the word "promise". I'm reading through Galations and had one of those "I've read this loads of times before but have never ever noticed this verse before" moments. And it all happened in chapter 4 when Paul starts talking about how we're children of promise while he's writing about Hagar & Ishmael vs Sarah & Isaac/slavery vs freedom/law vs promise. I was just blown away by this whole thing of being children of promise. There's such an incredible freedom in the midst of it all. Children of promise don't need to strive or earn because they're children not because of what they do, but because of what God has promised (and we know that He's faithful to fulfil every promise He makes). We're part of the promise He made to Abraham back in the day (somewhere around Genesis 12, I think...). We're children of faith, not of law or works. As children of promise there's a rest that we have. We rest in our identity because the God of covenant has made a covenant with us. God is a promise-keeping God. We rest in His love. We rest in His grace. This whole thing of being children of promise blows the whole concept of legalism right out of the window and ushers in the beautiful, life-giving truth that is grace, and the spacious place of freedom that comes with it. It's so incredible. WE are children of promise. We ARE children of promise. We are CHILDREN of promise. We are children of PROMISE. (get the picture??). As children of promise all we have to do is wait, enjoy God, rest in Him, let our hearts respond to Him. There's such a sweetness to it all. And from that place of being children of promise God fills the earth with the fragrance of His love. It's just incredible.

Freedom in Christ is so much more abundant than what we've made it to be....anybody care to venture with me & explore the spacious place??