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Sunday, 4 November 2007

Children of Promise

Another final blog entry from the other account I had...
For the past couple of days I've been really struck by the word "promise". I'm reading through Galations and had one of those "I've read this loads of times before but have never ever noticed this verse before" moments. And it all happened in chapter 4 when Paul starts talking about how we're children of promise while he's writing about Hagar & Ishmael vs Sarah & Isaac/slavery vs freedom/law vs promise. I was just blown away by this whole thing of being children of promise. There's such an incredible freedom in the midst of it all. Children of promise don't need to strive or earn because they're children not because of what they do, but because of what God has promised (and we know that He's faithful to fulfil every promise He makes). We're part of the promise He made to Abraham back in the day (somewhere around Genesis 12, I think...). We're children of faith, not of law or works. As children of promise there's a rest that we have. We rest in our identity because the God of covenant has made a covenant with us. God is a promise-keeping God. We rest in His love. We rest in His grace. This whole thing of being children of promise blows the whole concept of legalism right out of the window and ushers in the beautiful, life-giving truth that is grace, and the spacious place of freedom that comes with it. It's so incredible. WE are children of promise. We ARE children of promise. We are CHILDREN of promise. We are children of PROMISE. (get the picture??). As children of promise all we have to do is wait, enjoy God, rest in Him, let our hearts respond to Him. There's such a sweetness to it all. And from that place of being children of promise God fills the earth with the fragrance of His love. It's just incredible.

Freedom in Christ is so much more abundant than what we've made it to be....anybody care to venture with me & explore the spacious place??

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