It's so easy to confine You
To the limits of my thinking
To make You fit into me
And not me fit into You.
But You don't change
And there are places in my life
That need to be changed
To fit into You.
I fit You around my schedule
And call it flexible
Although its rigidity is frightening.
I go my own way
And call it order
But not allowing You
To order my steps with Your
Gentle whisper
Guiding touch.
The reality looms beneath
The surface
A scary sight to confront,
So easy to cover over with
Comforting words of positivity
But the reality is different,
Telling another story to the one
I portray.
I have tried to tame the Lion
Tried to muzzle it
Muffle its roar
Feed it vegetables not meat.
I've tried to hide the Lion
And present the Lamb.
But the Lamb is full of surprises
And opens its mouth with a
Deafening roar.
And the Lion remains silent.
How do I give over to the One
Who is constant, unchanging
And yet so unpredictable?
Take me there, Holy Spirit.
Take me there...
To the limits of my thinking
To make You fit into me
And not me fit into You.
But You don't change
And there are places in my life
That need to be changed
To fit into You.
I fit You around my schedule
And call it flexible
Although its rigidity is frightening.
I go my own way
And call it order
But not allowing You
To order my steps with Your
Gentle whisper
Guiding touch.
The reality looms beneath
The surface
A scary sight to confront,
So easy to cover over with
Comforting words of positivity
But the reality is different,
Telling another story to the one
I portray.
I have tried to tame the Lion
Tried to muzzle it
Muffle its roar
Feed it vegetables not meat.
I've tried to hide the Lion
And present the Lamb.
But the Lamb is full of surprises
And opens its mouth with a
Deafening roar.
And the Lion remains silent.
How do I give over to the One
Who is constant, unchanging
And yet so unpredictable?
Take me there, Holy Spirit.
Take me there...
I love this imagery! I didn't know you wrote poetry! I was especially struck with 'the Lamb is full of surprises and opens its mouth with a deafening roar.' Nice!
You've made an admirable beginning to your blog, don't stop now! I'm going to add you to my list of blog-buddies. This is somehow known as a blog roll.
God bless you in blustery Dundee! (the land of marmalade and...what was the other thing? Journalism? Do you know what I mean?) We miss you, friend!
oh-and it took me loads more time to figure out how to post photos on my blog-you're doing really well! Must be the posh education(:
Yeah - I write quite a lot of poetry - although it's never really been seen until now. It's one of my main ways of sorting out what's happening in & around me. Loving your blog, by the way. x
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